Sunday, January 07, 2018

The Battle...Faithful Obedience vs. Sexy Numbers

Over the years, I've struggled with the truth that God has called me to be faithful to a group of people in a land that is not considered "sexy" in the realm of missions. It is a place where planting a church or "expanding" the Kingdom in numerical ways is difficult. I have to continuously remind myself that Jesus has asked me to be obedient to His voice & all the results are in His hands. And He will fulfill His promises, as well as, accomplish all His plans. Because that is what His Word says.
Nonetheless, it is difficult to not compare oneself with others. Or to somehow feel that you have fallen short when you can't/don't "produce" the "numbers" that are expected.
For me the beginning of 2018 has been just that...disappointing. And the mental battle has been great as I have been ill since December 27, 2017. Physically, weak & sluggish, and unable to start the new year well.
Today I'm finally beginning to feel a bit more like myself. I'm growing in Hope that I can finally start this year and get some good traction for the tasks the Lord has set before me.

Thanks for sticking with me.

Below is an article that has encouraged me. An Article of Hope for Faithfulness

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I got your email this morning, and just saw your website. You speak of numbers...numbers of what? Yes, I know Americans count even work for Christ by numbers.
Do you know the story of "Les Mis"? When my grandson was 12 or so he asked me who I thought was the most important person in that musical. I had an idea, but asked him who he thought was the most important person. He said, "The Bishop" (the Monsieur). I agreed. Everyone of whom I have asked that question immediately says, "Valjean" (of course). Some don't remember the there was a Bishop in the story. But had it not been for the encounter with the Bishop there would have been no Valjean story.
I thank God for your faithfulness to your unique ministry for which you are uniquely suited.
Love in Chirst, Leda