Sunday, October 09, 2011

International Kite Day Comes to the Village

Today is International Kite Day...A new piece of information for me.  But today we, as a church did something a bit unusual. We move church to the village...Kluszkowce, in the Czorstyn Lake area to be exact.
Rays of Hope
We decided to "BE" the church by supporting one of our emerging leaders as she & her time bring life & hope to their community. It was a great opportunity to begin bridging the gap to those who have been recently saved in the village. Those who have given their lives to Jesus have done so because they have seen the "hope" that is within Natalia & she has been able to give an answer for that hope.
Here are some pictures from the Kite Festival....
Oh by the way I won the adult category :)

The Fireman with is Monkey

A Clown's Trade

Adjustments must be made
The Kite Doctors
Natalia with her sister

Kite filled skies

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