It is amazing the kind of perspective one gets after 25 years of ministry & 15 years of living among a particular people. I wish I could say it was all wisdom. I have put together a trivia quiz to share with you some of what I have learned & experienced.
left to right - bottom to top: (a) banana (b) coffee (c) mulling spices (d) peanut butter (e) lime (f) brown sugar (g) oreo (h) celery (i) reese's mini cups (j) M & M's (k) can pineapple (l) cassette tape (m) lemon (n) Irish cream coffee syrup |
Which of the item(s) above were/are/was/is:
- purchased in Poland?
- used to "grease the wheels" when crossing the borders in the 1980's?
- included in AmPol care packages during communism?
- comfort food brought from USA?
- started a pie baking craze when 1st discovered?
- cost more than $3.50, today?
- the root form has been commonly used in Poland for years?
- controlled "substance" during communism?
- brought as gifts during communism?
- new within the last year in Poland?
The answers are:
- a,b,d,e,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n
- b
- a,e,k,m
- c,i
- e
- b,d,f,n
- h
- l
- a,b,j,l
- g
If you got ______ questions correct:
9 - 10 You are old enough to remember "when" & tell some "unbelieveable" stories
7 - 8 You have been around enough to understand that decisions & actions of a few politicians can effect the lives of many for generations.
5 - 6 You've had pierogi at Russian restaurant.
3 - 4 You've been to Victoria & felt like you were in an exotic "European country"
1 - 2 You're an expert on the foreign foods found at Costco