I pray that everyone had a wonderful time with family, friends or whom ever you found yourself with I hope that it was a time of Gratefulness to our Father who has provided all that we need.
My Thanksgiving was VERY full of food, people, family and events. The strangest thing was I found myself confronted with a whole new type of culture shock. Holidays: The clash between expectations (mine) & the reality. Somehow my expectations were based on nostalgic memories that kept my family in the place it was the last time I was with them 13 years ago. How unrealistic is that?

13 years ago my sister was single, my brother was married, my nephew was 1, my nieces weren't even a glimmer in any one's eye, both my Dad & my Grandmother were with us & I lived in my little condo in the woods in quaint little Kirkland. In contrast: my sister is married with in-laws...funny how that happen
s (very nice I might add) & 2 adorable daughters. My brother is divorced with a son & a daughter as well as a significant other with 2 daughters. Both my Dad & my Grandmother have gone on to be with the Lord. I live out of a suitcase while I ate Thanksgiving dinner in my sister's dinning room on my Grandmother's table, gazing at her hutches that once were the center pieces in my condo in the woods. IT WAS a GREAT TIME! But it was definitely different from my unrealistic nostalgic based expectations.

I enjoyed a time of baking pumpkin pies with my nieces. I was able to share Wednesday evening ThanksLiving service with 4 of my nieces. We had tons of fantastic food that was contributed by the various participants. We played games, ate, laughed & enjoyed one another.

Then Sunday I gave my 1st support raising presentation. It has not been one of those things that I have felt particularly comfortable in but I was looking forward to it. I spent 3 hours listening to Polish music and preparing the room with table clothes, candles, displays, coffee, tea, & ME.
It was a great turnout...about 30 people. I felt more in my element than ever. And even though the economy is not exactly optimal for fundraising Jesus was there. I know that His economy works miracles. By the end of the evening I found myself well on my way to my budget goals. I still need to confirm my budget with Foursquare but this is what I have come to:
Including all my expenses, ministry expenses, insurance, travel, etc. I need monthly commitments of mailto:50@$50 (individuals) and 5 @ $500 (churches)....(this still needs to be approved).
After Sunday evening:
4 individuals renewed their commitment @ $35 ea/mo & 5 new partners @ $35 ea/mo. That's $350/mo pledged at the 1st presentation. And there was nearly $400 in one time offerings. That is the best and most encouraging response I have ever had. EVER!
There are 20 other individuals & 4 churches who have given financial support at one time or another this last year. If those individuals would renew there commitment at $35 or more a month that would be another $700/month. And the churches $300 or more a month that would be $1200. That would put me more than half way to my goal of $5000/mo.
Jesus is Great!
Please pray that I would be a great presenter of the heart of Jesus.
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