Saturday, June 28, 2008


I haven't shared much about what I have been doing ministry wise for awhile. Mostly because it hasn't been the sort of thing that is easy to really describe. But this last Monday I gave the 2nd in a series of Parenting Classes in a small church in a town east of Krakow called, Brzesko.

This is something that I have been praying about for a long time. Helping parents to communicate and work with their children is a passion of mine. For years it has been difficult to watch both children and parent struggle when I knew I could help. But when Jesus opens doors they cannot be shut.

The news of these lectures has begun to spread throughout this cute little town. People who don't go to the church are coming. Please pray for my next lesson that I will continue to be able to really speak to their needs in practical ways . It will be on July 14th. Then on the 18th I will return to meet with each individual family unit (parent/child) to talk about whatever issues they are dealing with.

As a result of these 2 simiple lectures the pastor in Krakow has heard about it and is looking forward to having me do something similar in Krakow when I return from my furlough.

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