My 1st surgery was more than 20 years ago in Seattle for the repair of a heart defect. At first it was such a shock. Then the reality of having a faulty heart followed by the making the necessary plans to schedule the surgery at the most convenient time made seem like just the next step in the plans of my life.
However the necessary for recovery was particularly important in my relationship with Jesus. He spoke to me that He wanted to heal my spiritual/emotional heart through this experience. It was during the recovery that I learned how much of my identity had been connected to my ability to “DO”. So, my complete dependence on people over those 6 weeks revealed God’s unconditional love and care of me through His church. I was loved because I was.
This last February I fell and broke both bones in my leg just above the ankle. At 1st I was overwhelmed with all kinds of feelings: fear, isolation, regret, abandonment, helplessness. Then the adrenaline kicked in and I just wanted it fixed. Jesus was so faithful to be with me. There were people who could come and help me navigate the Polish health system. I was able to communicate directly with those who treated me in Polish. I was able to experience health care the way my friends do. But through it all Jesus showed me His face as He brought friendly faces to help. Sometimes it was a neighbor, a stranger or an acquaintance. Once He even prepared the water therapy in advance. There were many days that I would wait for hours and then one day I arrived to find the therapist filling the tub with water. When I asked if it was available she said yes. Jesus is faithful.
In June I was invited to Switzerland for a Women’s Retreat. As I was packing

Jesus is truly my Good Shepherd in whom I can trust completely.
Your Partner in Christ’s Service,
News Briefs
Since breaking my leg in February I have had 2 surgeries and I can’t remember how many hours of physical therapy. My leg continues to improve though the mobility is still limited. I have physical therapy 2x a week in Krakow. I’m very gratefully for finding a very competent therapist.
Digging Deeper:
The Winter camp in February went off without a hitch though I was home in bed with my leg in the air. There were between 20-30 people who participated from Poland, the Netherlands, USA, and Romania. It was a great time of deepening relationships with one another and the Lord.
New Church Facility:
In April our church was evicted from our meeting place. The Lord laid on my hear
t that we needed to pray for a place that was at least 2x the square meters at half the price per square meter (22sqmeters @ 33 zloty/meter). Everyone was sure I had lost my mind as the place we had been in was a “steal” of a deal. To make a long story short…God did a miracle. We found a place that is 100 sq meters @ 15 zloty/sq meter. Of course this is quite a step of faith for this little fellowship but God is faithful. The middle of August we had a grand opening with friends from Switzerland and USA.

Uturn France:


Many of you have had the opportunity to meet Sabina either here in Poland or while she has been traveling with me or Carol in the States. She has grown so much in her relationship with the Lord. She has decided that it is a good time for her to really concentrate on her relationship with Jesus and participate in a church internship in California. She has been accepted but she needs to raise $3600 in the next 3 weeks. Please pray for God’s provision. If you would like to help financially let me know.
Visiting the USA:
I will be traveling to the US between September 13, 2007 – October 25, 2007; for the purpose of spending time with you. I will be in CA 9/13-21 and in OR 9/21- 10/1 and 10/1-25 in Seattle. If you have time to get together please contact me so that we can schedule time. I have a special gift. An Experienced Missionary couple will come and stay in my home and take care of my church during my furlough.
Current Financial & Other Needs:
I will need a cell phone for the time I’m in the US as well as a car, particularly while in the Seattle/Portland areas. I was unable to make this trip in March as planned; the result is ticket costs of an additional $400. I will also need about $400 for the plan travel between states.
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support, Denise
Thanks so much for all your prayers and support, Denise
Contact Information
Denise C. Johnson
Os. Witosa 4/8, 34-400 Nowy Targ, POLAND
Phone: 48-18-2665899
Financial Information Contributions:
Denise Johnson
c/o Mission Dispatch, Inc. 21911 76th Ave W., Suite 211Edmonds, WA 98026
Change in procedures: Please make your financial contributions to Mission Dispatch.
Please attach a note with my full name: Denise Johnson.
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