There is nothing like a Children's Christmas Outreach to start off the Holiday Season!
On December 19th a team of woman from Church of God in Krakow came together

to learn what a Gingerbread House is & prepare the pieces for the churches outreach that was to be the next day. The ladies mixed, cut, baked, sorted, shaped, packed & wrapped 50+ sets of gingerbread house pieces. Not to mention the 50+ bags of icing. These women worked from 9 am to 7 pm on a project they had no idea what the end product really would be.

The Children's Church Pastor had prepared the children by challenging
them to invite 2 friends each. The Youth Group was there on Sunday morning to help the younger children as need be

with the construction of their houses.
When Sunday morning came there was an air of tension as no one was really sure how many children would really show up & what would the parent's response be. 3 room were prepared with 4 tables. Then the children started to arrive with empty boxes for there complete work of art & packages of sweets to decorate their houses.

When all had arrived we had 50 children ranging in age from 4-12. A 20% increase over the normal attendance. As the children waited for the frosting to harden on their houses they heard about Jesus desire to come & live in their "houses" hearts. And just like they were going to create beautiful houses by adding sweets, Jesus desired to make their lives beautiful.

In the end there was frosting, children & smiles everywhere. At some point in the construction process we had to kick the parental observers out because they were causing a disturbance for the children. I continue to get encouraging comments from parents.
I love it when the simple things in life cause people to turn their heads & see Jesus.