It often means going against the norm or "rational" behavior & stepping out into an area where there is no "railing", nothing to give you feedback that anything will really come of the step except the "still small voice" deep inside saying "Trust Me".
I know that My God is able to do what He promises. I know that He loves me & cares about every detail of my life. I know that He is My Loving Father who provides for my every need.
Yet I am just as human as anyone & when I see the "black & white" figures on the page I have to choose to "fight" to trust the omnipotent God who is not as tangible as those figures on the page. I find myself praying for the Lord's forgiveness for my doubts & fears. And begging Him to help my unbelief.
This is one of those such times. I have spent a TON of time in prayer, intercession, worship, praying in the Spirit over the last few months...all the while fighting with the nagging thoughts of "But what have you DONE?" Somewhere deep inside I KNOW that I have done more in the Spirit than I could ever do in the "Flesh" but still, it isn't easy to continue. Then that gentle & familiar voice comes... "Just Trust Me" "I will do all that I have promised & more"
I don't know about you but I would prefer to get in there with "MY" hands & get it done, whatever it is. Sometimes I feel like I have to sit on my hands, so to speak. Today, as I watch the VERY EARLY snow fall, I'm reminded that I have no idea what is coming next! None! All the more reason for me to "TRUST". To "TRUST" the God, my God & Father who has already gone ahead. Who has & is preparing not only me but all whom I would meet for what He wills to do in & through me.
I wonder if we ever really get to that place of total & complete trust. That place where you don't have to coach yourself to take that next step of faith. Maybe in Heaven?

Today I'm believing & trusting God to occupy my condo in Kirkland/Juanita. It was vacated the 1st of October & for the 1st time since I have lived in Poland there have been no bites. The world would say that it is the economy but I think it is just another opportunity to grow my TRUST in Him, His love & care.

If you are interested in occupying it either as a renter or owner let me know.